2016年3月22日 星期二

Happy Company in China---Starbucks

Happiness at work is really important for both the employees and employers. It is a key of success of a company. It is because it would affect the job satisfaction and performance of the employee and so the development of the company. In this blog, I would like to write about a happy company in China, which is Starbucks (China). Starbucks (China), won the price of “Best employer” and its’ stuff are happy at the workplace. I can feel that the staff there are enjoy their work though and happy though their service. Their smile is not faked. I can see their enthusiastic about their work.

Close relationship between company and the employees

 The first reason of why the staff in Starbucks are happier than other company might because of the close relationship between company and the employee. Starbucks would call their staff as partner.  This shows that Starbucks respects and stress on their employee. It also shortened the distance between the company and the employee. Thus, it enhances the sense of the belonging of the employee. Staff might then enjoy their work and love the company.

 Good relationship between staff and customers

Staff in Starbucks could build up ties and friendship with their customers though their service. For example, they will write down customs’ name, some encouraging sentences, and drawing picture on the cup. Customers can feel their care. Therefore, customers would smile in return and give encouragement to the stuff.  Stuff might even share their experience with the customers and become friends of them. I believe these kinds of good interaction between customers and stuff can make them feel joyful      and happy about their work.

Comprehensive labor welfare

The welfare of Starbucks in China is also good and comprehensive, such as house allowance programme and medical insurance. I am especially impressed by one of the welfare of it, which is the stuff who had worked in Starbucks more than 10 years could have 12 months no-pay leave and the welfare and the positions of the stuff would remained the same. This allows the employee to pursue and achieve their dreams or spent more time with their family without affecting their career. All these policies can show the caring of the company to their employee.

  Caring of staff and their family

Starbucks chairman and ceo, Howard Schultz,
 greets partners (employees) and their family
Not only the employee, Starbucks also care about employee’s family members. For example, they invited both employee and their family members to join their meetings. This allows their family members to know more about their jobs and working environment. I believed that family’s support and recognition played an important role in employees’ satisfaction of their works.

Having a good company culture and policy and good interpersonal relationship are very important in maintaining the happiness and satisfaction of the employee. I believe that Starbucks’s employee-oriented policy is the main reason that makes their employee feel happier at workplace. 

